If you ask Rick Astley for his copy
of the movie Up, he cannot give it
to you as he will never give you
up. However, in doing so he lets
you down.
Thus creating the Astley Paradox
A case of “The best band you never heard in your life”?
Mistreater is one of those bands you never heard of and when you do, you think “how come these guys never made it onto the big stage?”. This sounds as “if Black Sabbath had been born and bred in an Ohio mobile home and raised on a steady diet of smoke and acid”.
The album is available on vinyl from On the Dole Records. Check it out on Bandcamp.
iPhone 13 Pro
I like how iPhone 13 Pro manage to catch the spider web.

The “Viking”
Behold the “Viking”. Its a calorie filled monstrosity, but man, it is good! The Viking is basically a Calzone with the topped sliced off and filled with a kebab.
Best food item since sliced bread. And yeah, if you want a really good pizza – go to Sweden, preferably DG’s Pizza in Jakan.

Apple crumble pie with ice cream.

Celibate Rifles
Listening to Celibate Rifles debut album, Sideroxlyn. Even though it was recorded on a shoe string budget, you still can hear the nerve in the music. I also like that they throw in a saxophone here and there for good measures. The singer, Damien Lovelock, died unfortunately a few years ago from cancer..
Addicted to this stuff

När vi skulle få kabel via satellit en gång i tiden
Långt innan streaming fanns det bara ett alternativ: kabel-tv. Det här var 2006 och jag valde Canal Digital för att installation av parabolantennen ingick i köpet. Vad de inte berättade var att installationen bara sträckte sig till två meter ovanför marken. Vår installatör var ungefär 1,5 lång och ville helst av allt spika upp antennskrället på staketet som går mellan vår och grannens tomt. Jag lyckades övertala honom att ställa sig på en stol och sträcka på sig. Till slut satt den där jävla parabolantennen ganska precis 190 centimeter ovan marken. Och vi fick 70 kanaler att välja mellan men det fanns ingenting att titta på. Ungefär som nu.
When Carcass interpret Björk…
…the result is just bloody amazing!
The sirens are calling
Its gray and windy outside. Spending the day on the couch, admiring my art and listening to Foo Fighters. But in the distance I can hear my Xbox calling “come play with me”. Who am I to resist a temptation?